The Greatest Minds: Interview with Taylor Clark #5
Taylor Clark
Interview with Taylor Clark
Filipa Canelas: Who is Taylor Clark? And what did she do to be where she is?
Taylor Clark: I am a 22 year old badass business woman who is obsessed with apparel and wanderlust. I have taken every opportunity presented to me and went full force ahead with it. I think that’s helped me get to where I am, which is graduated from college with 2 degrees and my first business
Filipa Canelas: I listened to your interview with Gary Vee, and his words also opened my eyes! What was the most valuable lesson your learnt with Gary?
Taylor Clark: Probably to stop thinking and just go DO! The time spend watching what other people are doing is time you could be spending to build something for yourself. That resonated with me a lot.
Filipa Canelas: How would your schedule look like, if tomorrow you had 100% of focus + 100% of energy + 100% of time (24 hours). Basically, what would you do on a perfect day?
Taylor Clark: I would probably do what I have been doing this past week. Wake up and do the usual brush my teeth and breakfast. Then go on my computer and catch up on emails, tweak my website, and post something on all social platforms. Then research my next business move, and begin to implement it online through network connections or build it online myself. Have some time in there for reading and personal development. I would just constantly be doing something.
Filipa Canelas: I’m now reading your blog, and watching your vlogs about the #30DayGaryVeeChallenge. What are your projects for the future?
Taylor Clark: Future projects are to launch another company! But right now I am super focused on and making that the online destination for everything digital nomad
Filipa Canelas: I’m a huge fan of morning rituals, because they changed my life. Do you have any type of ritual to begin a new day? If so, please describe it.
Taylor Clark: Yes I had a morning ritual before my call with Gary where I would wake up, brush my teeth, go make green tea, cook some eggs, and play with my dogs. Now it looks like wake up and go to my computer lol
Filipa Canelas: What is the most precious advice you can give to people who aren’t doing enough to accomplish their dreams?
Taylor Clark: Stop overthinking it. The biggest challenge you will face when starting your first business is getting out of your own head. Stop overthinking, judging, and just DO.
Filipa Canelas: What was the lowest point in your career/life and how did you overcome it?
Taylor Clark: Lowest point was when I had graduated college and spent 8 months doing nothing towards my own business. I always wanted to own a company and yet I did nothing to help me achieve that. So I quit my job the week before my call with Gary to start something.
Filipa Canelas: If you could only live by one principle what would that be? And why?
Taylor Clark: Do what you love. It’s cliche I know but if you’re not doing what you love then why do anything at all? You’re wasting your life.
Filipa Canelas: Where can we stalk you, Taylor Clark?
Taylor Clark: haha my personal blog is @thefabulousjourney (Instagram) and and my new business is @digitalnomadapparel (Instagram) and website is
Quick Questions:
The Last Book you Read:
Think & Grow Rich
Dream Job when you were a Kid:
A Victoria Secret Model
Favourite Quote: Tough one…
“If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you will fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not Much.”
— Jim Rohn
25$ life-changing item:
A personal development book. Any of them.
Favourite place to work:
Outside in the sun.