
Authenticity is overrated, I believed. Or, at least, is overrated in the definition I had in mind. Being authentic meant acting in the same way, every time. You know, being myself.

Turns out this can get you into trouble — do you act the same way around your mum, boss, best friend, waitress, or partner? I don't think so. You might have the same set of beliefs during these interactions, but you don't express them in the same way.

I attached my identity to authenticity. Then, I watched myself interact differently with different people. Am I a fraud? Or do I just have multiple personalities?

Brené Brown presented a more compelling definition:

Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.

Authenticity is then, not greeting your teacher the way you greet your best friend. But to engrain your interactions in what is and feels right — refusing or disagreeing, in a different manner, but for the same reason.

Act differently. Choose the same.

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